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Showing posts with the label Roberto Firmino

Champions League Final 2018: Real Madrid vs Liverpool

Real Madrid is once again in the final of champions league. Real has made it very clear that they are ready for a showdown, geared up to make history by winning 3 trophies in a row  and Liverpool is seeking this prestigious award as they owe it to their fans.  For Liverpool its 13 years past overdue. Liverpool will play for sixth champions league glory when they take on champions Real Madrid who are seeking 13 th Champions League glory and potential 3 rd consecutive victory. Both teams have odds ranked up against each other and both are trying to come ahead. Real has  finished domestic league La Liga securing the third position, which is  worst in terms of points, being ranked down by rival Barcelona which happens to be  2018 Spanish Champ.  T here have been superstitions and speculation, lurking behind the curtain that every year that Real Madrid Basketball team has won Euro league Real Madrid has lost Champions league. Right now s...